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Erratum for Extension RFP closing date – The Manufacturing of Cast prototype Narrow-Gauge MKV Bogies

On the 09th of May 2023, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) invited suitably qualified and experienced service providers to submit proposals for the above-mentioned RFP. The original closing/submission date for the tender is 23rd of May 2023.

The CSIR appreciates your interest in responding to the Request for Proposal.

Please note the following changes in the advertised tender documents:

  • Briefing session date has been moved to Friday, 19 May 2023 at 10:00 am
  • The closing date has been extended to Friday, 26 May 2023 at 16:30.

The CSIR wishes to encourage you to submit a response to this tender, and to apologise for any inconvenience that might be caused.

The tender can be accessed from the below link

Tender Number: CSIR RFP 3558.1/23/05/2023

Closing Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 – 16:30

Briefing Session Venue: The address link will be shared with interested parties. Please request MS Team link using

Submission Venue: Electronically:

Tender Documents: PDF icon RFP 3558.1-23-05-2023 MKV Bogies.pdf

NB: All enquiries must go to the CSIR procurement, Please use RFP No and RFP Description as subject references.